Digital Transformation consulting is our specialisation ...
Our Digital Services
Fixture.Digital enables Digital Transformation and delivery success
With over 20 years od Digital Product Strategy and delviery we bring a huge range of Strategic Design and Lean Agile development experience to the challenges of Enterprise organisations.
Our below capabilities are part of strategic engagement process from research, Ripping the brief, challenging the status quo and thought leadership through to post release support and Change Management. Our methodology is one of collaborative coaching to ensure a legacy of long term value and culture development in the clients we partner with.
Strategic Product, Services, Experience Design & Analytics
Digital Delivery &
Bespoke strategic Design & Agile Workflow to deliver Best in Class feature sets
B2B application work is the core of many enterprise business upgrades in the new era of Digital Employee driven experience. Fixture Digital brings the level of excellence to your Infraware that we also bring to Customer facing applicaitons with our End to End design process and strategy, research to continual improvement we support your organisaitonal goals and needs.
From Design Strategy Sprints through Product Management alignment, Agile Big room planning, and Agile Scrum Mastery for sprints in progress, Fixture.Digital has over 25 years experience in delivering Digital approaches that work and are measureable in increasing performance outcomes.
Vaue Chain and Flow Analysis
A two tiered approach where Human Centred Value & Metrics Definitions collide to drive Business Operations-Services and rich Product experiences
Product, Services and pre-production collaborative consulting with in situ qualitative and quantitative analysis for outcomes driven products is a key delivery differentiator across Digital practice in medium to large scaled enterprise use cases. By driving shared insights and understanding via analytics a program or project can reinforce the practices with the quantifiable boundaries within production and allow for design of continuous improvement and innovations. Fixture.Digital coaches many organisaitons and can help clients to drive a clear picture to the key defining user cases that have remained hidden in data flows, Business Process, Apps and Portal Client UI designs or Operations workflows.
Make a clear & and early decision to go with analytically driven product design processes
In moving forward with qualitative Human ccentred and usability focused production organisations are empathyzing with end users. But in needing to look at quantifiable analysis approach you’ll have an excellent opportunity to identify the humanc centred designs that resonate with users but by including ananlytics you will avoid the common mistakes and architectural errors in the design process and missed dependencies.
In this Product teams can engage, taking note of those elements that work well within any process. Defininng production through usability and User Experience is essential part of improving your IT business model but ensure the numbers stack up and that key feature deployments make sense.